Is Coworking Grosseto Open? Yes, our space is open 24/7/365. Welcome!

August 15th, Italian bank holiday, 6:20 in the morning we get the phone call: “is Coworking Grosseto Sud open?” Yes sir, please come in!

coworking grosseto open 24/7/365As all Italians know, August 15th is bank holiday in our country.

It’s a day called Ferragosto, and everyone celebrates it with family and friends, often with a day out at the beach or wherever you can spend a free day in full Italian summer.

As far as foreign travellers are concerned, this is totally unknown.

So it was kind of normal to receive the request for a day of Coworking on this very day, even though for us it is a holiday: for the person who called us it was just any other monday!

What was not normal, maybe, was the time of the day we received the request by phone: very early in the morning, almost before sunrise: 6:20 am.

But we are proud to say that – never mind the holiday, never mind the Ferragosto, never mind the 6:20 in the morning – our international guest was able to sit down at his desk, open his laptop and get working by 6:30 AM. No wonder we claim that Cowo® Grosseto sud is a 24/7/365 Coworking space!

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